My father, Haji Muhammad Nur, 67 years seen the evening when jumpy sit unwind with her children in the room resort in one of the houses in the Cibinong, Bogor. This is ten days he was in Durban for a holiday from the daily akitiftas as traders Pannampu in Makassar. Vacation is also dimanfaatkannya to attend the party aqiqah grandson to-12 was sepekan ago. Ten days dilaluinya with bercengkerama with children and grandchildren-grandson funny, he was asked to at-in Bogor, most sepekan no longer yearn for the hammer. Not every year they can gather together, so the main reason.
In fact he was still at-like, but there is one thing which makes heavy yield willingness children disayanginya it. The election of Mayor of Makassar will be held next Wednesday, 29 October 2008. He is binding promise with colleagues fellow traders in the market Pannampu to enliven the party democracy. In the minds of them all, there is one candidate who will name their coblos in the day. And Aji, so he disapa by children, certainly do not want to lose his voice so only in the day 'mattoddo' it. One voice was considered to be deciding whether the choice candidate can win or lose seats to the mayor of Makassar.
"What worries Aji considered disgraceful that the citizens because they are not using the right select? These are not the Soeharto era, when Golput considered criminal "cetus one of his children. Menimpali other children, "Be, a night when watching candidates debate in one of the statiun TV appearances are not good things. Everything halt. " Although thousands of kilometers away from Makassar, they still remain faithful to follow the development of the city where they grow it develops. The oldest child menimpali follow-up, "Yes, losing one's voice also does not affect".
Diberondong protests suggestive question is, Aji life. "Not so, I have appointments with friends to traders Market Pannampu together mencoblos the Foo - while the name of the candidate's name famnya quite popular, especially because his brother is one of the former head of South Sulawesi Regional Police, which was due by the Megawati government demonstration events UMI brutal in 2004 ago. "He seems well - so he continued. And only he who promises to provide a certificate of ownership of land and home to the traders of the Market Pannampu. This certificate from the first perjuangkan us, because now the mayor does not want to give, but we want to expropriate all. "
"Ah, Aji eaten accidentally itBapak I promise candidate, Haji Muhammad Nur, 67 years seen the evening when jumpy sit unwind with her children in the room resort in one of the houses in the Cibinong, Bogor. This is ten days he was in Durban for a holiday from the daily akitiftas as traders Pannampu in Makassar. Vacation is also dimanfaatkannya to attend the party aqiqah grandson to-12 was sepekan ago. Ten days dilaluinya with bercengkerama with children and grandchildren-grandson funny, he was asked to at-in Bogor, most sepekan no longer yearn for the hammer. Not every year they can gather together, so the main reason.
In fact he was still at-like, but there is one thing which makes heavy yield willingness children disayanginya it. The election of Mayor of Makassar will be held next Wednesday, 29 October 2008. He is binding promise with colleagues fellow traders in the market Pannampu to enliven the party democracy. In the minds of them all, there is one candidate who will name their coblos in the day. And Aji, so he disapa by children, certainly do not want to lose his voice so only in the day 'mattoddo' it. One voice was considered to be deciding whether the choice candidate can win or lose seats to the mayor of Makassar.
"What worries Aji considered disgraceful that the citizens because they are not using the right select? These are not the Soeharto era, when Golput considered criminal "cetus one of his children. Menimpali other children, "Be, a night when watching candidates debate in one of the statiun TV appearances are not good things. Everything halt. " Although thousands of kilometers away from Makassar, they still remain faithful to follow the development of the city where they grow it develops. The oldest child menimpali follow-up, "Yes, losing one's voice also does not affect".
Diberondong protests suggestive question is, Aji life. "Not so, I have appointments with friends to traders Market Pannampu together mencoblos the Foo - while the name of the candidate famnya name quite popular, especially because his brother is one of the former head of South Sulawesi Regional Police, which was due by the Megawati government demonstration events UMI brutal in 2004 ago. "He seems well - so he continued. And only he who promises to provide a certificate of ownership of land and home to the traders of the Market Pannampu. This certificate from the first perjuangkan us, because now the mayor does not want to give, but we want to expropriate all. "
"Ah, Aji eaten accidentally candidates that promise. Will not necessarily be realized oaths, especially by the news he had also involved the problem of corruption. "Timpal one of her children since that was not voiced. Aji dwell only this time, he may not worrying matter of time and the candidates. In his mind, there is only one hope may tertunaikan though still a promise.
Of all the candidates, there is only one candidate who had pledged directly to defend their interests, traders Market Pannampu. Since four years ago, traders worried that fuel is always tergusur by big city government plans to juggle the traditional market it as a modern market that has occurred in other places like Market Maricaya and Pabangbaeng. Moreover, many times has this burning market, which according to traders is a deliberate action by individual officials, PD Pasar Raya Makassar. Finally, the traditional market, which stood 1980 that burned in early January 2008, sear some 34 kiosks traders. Event of a fire that sometimes crime is often used as justification for why PD Pasar Raya Makassar to dismantle the traditional markets that extend wide 4.8 hectares in the central district Tallo.
By the Government of Makassar, Pannampu Market has long become a priority issue for the reasons kesemrawutan a very serious and is not considered feasible as more traditional markets.
Deep inside the Pannampu, intervention, 20 years old, youngest son of Aji pack are still students of universities in Makassar, together with the youth market Pannampu are also preparing the election of the mayor of Makassar. They, Pannampu the youth market, has also agreed to set hearts choose the same candidate. Appears to have formed an agreement on the bulk market to promote the Pannampu only one candidate in the election this time. Handled them, there are stored neatly Political Contract signed by the candidates, the exact contents as expectations of the traders who want Pannampu Market penggusuran not done with the full details of the consequences that will be taken by traders if contract not tertunaikan.
"What if the candidate is not elected? Viewing the political arithmetic-count estimate incumbent will be elected again? I wonder a time to the youngest. "Correct trend incumbent win there again. But we hope that there will be a second round election, mudah2an in the second round of the candidates can win!
Now the contract is political, such as waiting takdirnya, whether its demands will be realized, or only a sheet of paper that has no meaning because it lost power and political context. Pannampu market and people are now worried count fate.
Popularity: 27% [?] U. Will not necessarily be realized oaths, especially by the news he had also involved the problem of corruption. "Timpal one of her children since that was not voiced. Aji dwell only this time, he may not worrying matter of time and the candidates. In his mind, there is only one hope may tertunaikan though still a promise.
Of all the candidates, there is only one candidate who had pledged directly to defend their interests, traders Market Pannampu. Since four years ago, traders worried that fuel is always tergusur by big city government plans to juggle the traditional market it as a modern market that has occurred in other places like Market Maricaya and Pabangbaeng. Moreover, many times has this burning market, which according to traders is a deliberate action by individual officials, PD Pasar Raya Makassar. Finally, the traditional market, which stood 1980 that burned in early January 2008, sear some 34 kiosks traders. Event of a fire that sometimes crime is often used as justification for why PD Pasar Raya Makassar to dismantle the traditional markets that extend wide 4.8 hectares in the central district Tallo.
By the Government of Makassar, Pannampu Market has long become a priority issue for the reasons kesemrawutan a very serious and is not considered feasible as more traditional markets.
Deep inside the Pannampu, intervention, 20 years old, youngest son of Aji pack are still students of universities in Makassar, together with the youth market Pannampu are also preparing the election of the mayor of Makassar. They, Pannampu the youth market, has also agreed to set hearts choose the same candidate. Appears to have formed an agreement on the bulk market to promote the Pannampu only one candidate in the election this time. Handled them, there are stored neatly Political Contract signed by the candidates, the exact contents as expectations of the traders who want Pannampu Market penggusuran not done with the full details of the consequences that will be taken by traders if contract not tertunaikan.
"What if the candidate is not elected? Viewing the political arithmetic-count estimate incumbent will be elected again? I wonder a time to the youngest. "Correct trend incumbent win there again. But we hope that there will be a second round election, mudah2an in the second round of the candidates can win!
Now the contract is political, such as waiting takdirnya, whether its demands will be realized, or only a sheet of paper that has no meaning because it lost power and political context. Pannampu market and people are now worried count fate.