Sunday, December 21, 2008


If we learn the history of life of Prophet Mohammed. We can deduce that the Prophet Mohammed is a very Hobbies pray. Pray for themselves and their families. While the most frequently dodoakan is his. Even to decide between two options, or things, the Prophet not cease to pray.
Are you? Are you also have to pray Hobbies? Why, yes, my friends there are some that we have to pray idak hobby? Approximately what caused it? Perhaps too confident, so they said, "Create what to pray, Melissa has been able to get all the way want! "
There are a friend of our youth Isti name. Previously he pray only occasionally. However Isti now very conscious that prayer is very important. "I pray, especially when they get a female or a more difficult"
Prayer what normal dipanjatkan Isti? According to the Isti, he usually pray for her parents, facilitated all they represent, given the provision of the lawful, and the other for the good of himself for the current and future. Talk prayer, isti have the interesting experience of prayer on the defense. At the time, Isti university entrance is the favorite. Isti pray from the first to enter the university. And finally, Isti enter universities favorite.
"I can katakana that a prayer is the strength to sail through life, adding tranquility to the soul and mind, not because of the people, I can feel immediately when received in the universities" said Isti.
There are also other stories still around prayer. While still teenagers, my father is seriously ill. He went, the body of the father turn even more to the cost of treatment have been exhausted. Imagine if your father is experiencing it.
Akhrnya, I take my father to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, my father also mendftarkan directly to the hospital. But, how when Some must pay down the hospital of two million rupiah.
Then I pray in the heart, so God I do not have the money, and then I asked him to the hospital, "What must this day? "The hospital," At least accepted tomorrow. "
Then I said, gentle, "From where I get money for it, yes God? Because the children first, I said to the hospital, "Yes, and my father treated only because he takes petolongan. Had my father been fed, so my father will die. "
Night I have to take blood in the PMI to the father until 03.00 am. After dawn prayers, I ask my father for permission to entertain children with orphans added. When I joined the group added Acapela.
After menghiburanak-orphans, suddenly there was a mother who approached me and suddenly the mother to enter the envelope in the pocket. In travel, I open the envelope, had evacuated a number of the money will be paid to the hospital. Cash only my gratitude to Allah SWT. Then the money I pay them directly to the hospital for treatment cost my father.
What is the meaning of the stories yesterday? In fact, "Allah SWT heard whispering our hearts, and God heard the application of all our mourning. Because God is very near and even nearer than intravenously in our neck ".
I am confident that we are experiencing it, that is when we request prayer or a direct defense. But First, when you pray, and God grant doamu, if you give thanks to God? How long have we just pray to God only when experiencing hardship and difficulty, but imagine when it is processing daomu God, how long have you forgotten God?
Review of you, is how long to treat God as a hammer? When you need to take and when finished, you put the hammer back. Imagine, how long have you throughout life does not pray seriously to God?
People, do not you consider God as a tool to satisfy the needs Duniamu, that when you need to use, and do not feel you need to put back. Now, let us pray, "O God, we are proud ampuni and ttidak want to pray to thy. Ampuni us, God yes. Make us the people who give thanks. During this we are not aware of God, we are small in the face of Thy, God yes. Ampuni that we rarely pray to thy.
Republican friends, Allah SWT will always answer the prayers that would panjatkan. He said everlastingly because there are all request. So, pray to God all the time seriously, with a full heart and soul. (Source ESQ Nate Mukri)

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